Saturday, April 11, 2015

6 weeks in...

It feels like it's been forever since I last posted. But I've been a little busy keeping up with Blake. It's been an incredible adjustment and just enjoying every single moment. Of course, every  moment I enjoy there is a tinge of guilt knowing I'm missing a part of this family...but I know Thomas brought us this healthy, strong willed little man we call Blake.

We couldn't be happier...just this past week, he started nearly sleeping through the night with some good 5-7 hour stretches and gets up at least once yet to eat. Not too bad in my opinion.

Hard to believe my maternity leave is half over...I can't imagine leaving this little guy so soon. He's starting to become such a little person, with all the smiles and coos we get these days! He definitely likes to eat as he was nearly 12 lbs last time we were at the doctor!