Sunday, June 21, 2015

Blake - Week by Week

March 3, 2015

March 10. 2015

March 17, 2015

March 24, 2015

March 31, 2015

April 7, 2015

April 14, 2015

April 21, 2015

April 28, 2015

May 5, 2015

May 12, 2015

May 19, 2015

May 26, 2015

June 2, 2015

June 9, 2015
June 16, 2015

June 23, 2015

June 30, 2015

July 7, 2015
July, 14, 2015
 20 weeks in vs. 20 weeks out

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We got our little Blake baptized the end of May. We had a great little gathering after church and then to our house to celebrate. We had a house full of love and we couldn't be happier everyone could make it and we are glad Blake has his aunts and uncles as his godparents, so lucky to be surrounded by so much love!

Grandma & Grandpa Anderson

The Anderson Family

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Blake's Godparents

Great Grandma Anderson

Great Grandma Skubal

Jenny & Brian

Jeremy & Paula

Our little family

The Skubal Familiy - it's a blooper version, but I just love this picture - my grandma's big smile, Lyla watching Johanna, just love everything about it!

The Skubal Family

Grandma & Grandpa Skubal

Monday, June 15, 2015

It's ok

Monday's are always the hardest for me. Especially after a weekend of having my little man be so good and truly able to treasure every single moment I had with him. And there are some days when the feels (good and bad) just really hit me. This morning on my way to work was one of them the sad feels got me good.

Since having Blake I've had a hard time figuring out how to really enjoy being happy with this little person we've created. Don't get me wrong I love him to pieces and our new life together, but I can't help but go to the place where there "I wonders" and "What ifs" creep in. For anyone that has lost a baby, you might understand these thoughts a little more than most....but I just need to get some of the thoughts on what being a parent is like after having one that died. It's not easy to say a lot of these things....

And I've decided, that's ok!

In the moments after having Blake and they placed him in my arms, I couldn't help but search for the first sweet boy we lost.

In the first few days and weeks at home with Blake, I couldn't fully let myself love him worried that somehow this world could possibly be so cruel to take another baby from me. I still worry about that, and I've decided that it's ok.

I feel so different from other new and first time moms - I almost envy their pure joy and happiness they get to feel so easily but I feel robbed off most days. But it's ok.

There are days, like today, that the grief comes back so fiercely and will probably stick around for a while because Blake is a constant reminder of a life that did not get to live. But it's ok, because this is the way I get to love my baby that died.

It's ok that I catch myself constantly checking the monitor or him to make sure he's breathing.

It's ok that I struggle every morning to drop him off at daycare because I worry about him constantly and worry that everything is going well. I hate the feeling of leaving him, not because I don't think he is being well cared of, I know that he is, but because I'd much rather be the one doing it.

I feel so overbearing some days while he's at daycare, constantly checking in on him just make sure things are going well. I'm probably driving her crazy some days! But I can't help it....and that's ok.

It's ok that I still struggle with how to answer the question, "is he your first?" This will be a lifelong battle on how to answer. I never, ever want to leave Thomas out, but I also don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. But then again, it's not about them being's about acknowledging both of my children in a way that helps me. People might come to regret asking that question because normally, it's an innocent question, it might get awkward and that's ok.

I'm not always ok, and that's ok!


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Some of Blake's Firsts

So, this little love bug is 15 weeks already....I can't even believe how much he's grown and all the new things he's doing. I haven't been keeping up with pictures very good (while I was off or especially now that I've been back to work). Here are some random pictures dating way back to his 1st Easter, his 1st bath, hanging out with cousins Lyla, Charlotte, and Jacob!

I love watching this little bug become a little person. He's become a pretty laid back baby...only really cries when he's tired or really hungry! He loves watching Macy play too when he's on his belly!

Enjoy the pictures!

I just loved the look on his face here...looks so grown up!

Here is finally grabbed a hold of the toy and he was not going to let it go! Really fun to watch him actually grab things now!

This was just the other morning...he was supposed to eating, but he was way more interested in talking to me. Which I can't help but let's so cute!

 This was last Saturday (6/6/2015) - It was so nice out we spent some time outside under one of the trees in the backyard while dad was doing some yardwork. Way too nice out to spend all our time inside!
 Here is Aunt Paula and cousin Jacob, they came to visit one day while grandma was babysitting! Jacob is just 6 weeks younger than Blake. Will be fun to watch these two grow up together.
 Propped up on the couch like a big boy here! Blake just loves to sit up!
 This one is a mover and a shaker...loves playing in his activity gym and talking to all his toys!

This was his first day of was a hard day for mom, but he's adjusting so well!

Here are cousins Lyla and Charlotte hanging out with Blake. They were all looking at me, it was so cute!

Blake's 1st tub bath - he loves bath time. Now he loves to watch his feet and splash all over the place. Mom gets way more wet than she'd like! :) 

Blake's 1st Easter Egg Hunt at the Kakatsch Annual Easter Egg hunt! So nice of them to put an egg out for him! He slept through it all though...maybe next year!

Here he is on Easter Sunday with his very 1st Easter Basket!