First of all, we didn't share ahead of time but we knew baby was going to be arriving on July 13th no matter what. With the July 17th date looming closer (Thomas' original due date) we made the decision to not let it get to that date and be induced. So, I went in for my weekly appointment on Tuesday, July 12th to start the induction process. Doctor inserted a balloon of sorts to start dilating my cervix....then we got to sit and listen to baby's heartbeat for a while to make sure all was well. That evening I was pretty crampy and having some pretty good contractions, which I expected and figured since that's what Dr. Winga had told me to expect. By the time we went to bed I was feeling better and was very ready to meet this little person. We were told to check into the hospital the next morning by 5am...well, baby had different plans.
We had it planned out that Julie would come around 5am and then head into the hospital. However, I woke up around midnight (apparently my children like to wake me at midnight when they are ready to join us - Blake did the same thing) to some pretty strong contractions. Starting timing and they were minutes apart from the beginning. I called the hospital about 1:30 and they recommended a hot shower to see if that would help ease. It worked while I was in the shower but the minute I got out they were back in full force. Jim called his mom shortly after that to have her on alert. Continuing to time the contractions as best as I seemed like they were on top of one another and starting to move into my back again. By 3:00 am I told Jim we needed to go to the hospital cause I couldn't handle the pain anymore and the contractions were so close together...Julie arrived shortly after and we were at the hospital by 3:30 am. It was the longest car ride ever....
We had planned to have a photographer there to capture this delivery and she arrived shortly after we did. We got all checked in and I immediately asked for an epidural cause the contractions were almost completely in my back and I didn't know which way to turn to be more comfortable. Below are some pictures that tell the story of how I was feeling....the pain is pretty evident on my face. Yikes.
After what seemed like hours waiting for the epidural, I finally had some relief. The picture below captures the relief I was feeling. After that, I was comfortable and finally able to rest some. Things moved along pretty quickly for this delivery so in between we just passed the time.
This picture of Jim looking at the monitors still amazes me...the nurses had been in a few times to check me and I knew we were getting close but it's 8:45 here and I'm still not pushing!
Doctor is in the room and we are ready to have this baby!
Things went so smoothly, a couple pushes and we discovered we had a little girl! Jim says she looks like a boiled brat here! :) Such an incredible moment that was captured! Below are some of my favorites from our first moments together to meeting Blake! He was so cute that day and has been ever since.
Hailey James Anderson arrived at 9:00am weighing 7lbs 14oz and was 21in long. We are so happy she is here and she has perfectly completed our unique family!
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Dad cutting the cord |
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Blake meeting Hailey |
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Dad finally getting to hold his princess. |
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Reading to Blake about being a big brother |