Monday, December 3, 2018

Blake's 1st Day of 3k

It's hard to believe we sent Blake off to 3k this year. It's only 2 days a week for a short time but he has really changed into a little man since starting school. Mom fought hard to keep the tears from flowing at drop off. He did great though and was ready to be in school. He's learned so much already and we just love hearing about his days at school.

Here are a few of the many pictures I took on that first day.

All ready with his sign the night before
1st day details
With Hailey
Mom & Blake
Walking in by himself
Smooches for Hailey
With cousin Charlotte
All ready for his 1st day

Halloween 2018

I know, I'm super far behind in posting updated pictures. We had a fun Halloween this year...although we didn't make it to any pumpkin farms like we did last year. Blake had his tonsils the week before we went to pick out pumpkins so he was pretty miserable when we went to pick out pumpkins.

We also baked some cupcakes and decorated them as spiders, attended a "Trunk or Treat" event at Redeemer. It was so nice to walk around to the different cars all decorated.

We had a very cute Dory and a young Packer (he is my new favorite packer this year).